29th July 2015

With summer here and schools out for summer, families are taking the opportunity to spend valuable time together over the next six weeks, enjoying the (hopefully) nice weather out and about, but also at home.

But keeping the youngsters entertained during the school holidays can be challenging, so we have put together some ideas which are sure to bring the family together and keep everyone busy until the autumn.


No really – you read that right. Starting off a list billed as fun for all the family with chores might seem like a bizarre suggestion for bringing the family unit together in harmony and fun, but it really can be.

Giving children the opportunity to earn some pocket money which will come in handy over the summer break can mean that you gain help around the house, whilst providing an avenue for your children to earn enough money to venture out.


The British staple, any break in the clouds often leads to a hurried purchase of charcoal and food – with cooking outdoors usually leading to burnt offerings and eventual rain.

As far as bringing a family together for a meal goes, though, there really is nothing better during the summer break, and you could even invite some friends to share in the feast and fun.

3.Camping in the garden

Want to enjoy the great outdoors but don’t have the time or money to visit a campsite? If you can, why not camp in your own garden? That way you and the rest of the family can enjoy that outdoor experience whilst keeping all your home comforts nearby – and if the heavens open you know that a hot drink, a hot shower and a fresh set of clothes are just at the other side of your lawn.

A great way to bond with your children and something a little bit different.

4.Enjoy a movie

Just because the weather is warm and sunny (and especially if it is not) you can always gather in the lounge to watch a movie, maybe with some popcorn and pizza, or some ice cream.

You could always watch a summer-themed blockbuster if you still want to stay in keeping with the season.

5.Head out and about

Just because there is so much to do around the home does not mean it isn’t a great idea to head out as a family, taking a trip somewhere.

This could be a day out in the countryside, to a friends or maybe an outdoor pool if you need some respite on a hot summers day. Even if you can’t afford or have the time to venture out much, a little goes a long way.

The summer school holidays do not have to be monotonous or boring even if you can’t go very far – there is plenty to do around the house, get creative!